Devolution - “We must have the vision to seize this opportunity…”
Devolution - “We must have the vision to seize this opportunity…”
The Leader outlines the opportunities devolution could bring to Essex.
The Leader outlines the opportunities devolution could bring to Essex.
Cllr Tony Ball sets out upcoming plans for Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities support and how Essex County Council remains dedicated to listening to and improving outcomes for families.
Cllr Peter Schwier explains the benefits of the Solar Together Essex scheme for buying solar panels.
ECC's Armed Forces Champion, Cllr Derrick Louis reflects on his own time in the Army as Armed Forces day approaches.
Cllr McKinlay shares her thoughts on the Government's new campaign that aims to tackle violence against women and girls.
Cllr John Spence reflects on the past two years of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Climate Czar, Cllr Peter Schwier advises how to get high-quality solar panels and battery storage at affordable prices.
As suicide prevention week comes to a close, Cllr Spence talks reducing the stigma around suicide and urges those suffering to seek support.
Read more from Cllr Lesley Wagland, Cabinet Member for Economic Renewal, Infrastructure and Planning, as she shares an update on digital connectivity in Essex.
Read more from Cllr Beverley Egan as she shares the support available to help anyone who is struggling to cope following a bereavement.
Read more from Cllr John Spence as he congratulates social work staff in Essex for two prestigious award wins.