Doing what is right for the people we serve

Cllr Kevin Bentley, Leader of Essex County Council, writes that after 50 years, it is time for change for our local councils.
Cllr Kevin Bentley, Leader of Essex County Council, writes that after 50 years, it is time for change for our local councils.
Councillor John Spence commemorates the selflessness of Essex residents on the Covid-19 Day of Reflection 2025.
Essex County Council Leader, Councillor Kevin Bentley, updates on the Government’s consultation on Devolution plans for Greater Essex, launched this week.
The Leader outlines the opportunities devolution could bring to Essex.
Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care and Integration, Councillor John Spence talks about how the council and partners are working hard to create an inclusive county.
Essex County Council Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport talks about the announcement of an additional £12 million in funding for Essex Highways as part of Essex County Council's 2024/25 budget.
Councillor Chris Whitbread, Chancellor for Essex, talks about Essex County Council's budget proposals for 2024/25, which have been published today (Monday 8 January).
Councillor Tony Ball, Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Lifelong Learning and Employability, welcomes government’s commitment to apprenticeships and key growth sectors as set out by the Chancellor.
Councillor Tony Ball, Essex County Council Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Lifelong Learning and Employability shares an update following the Minister’s visit to the county.
Councillor Tom Cunningham, Essex County Council Cabinet Member for Planning a Growing Economy, on the support available to firms in the county.