Covid-19 five years on: a Day of Reflection for Essex

Cllr John Spence standing outside County Hall.Blog by Councillor John Spence, Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care and Integration

Five years have now passed since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. When we think back to 2020, little did we know how life would change for billions of people across the world, and how many millions of lives would be lost.

In its final report, the UK Commission on Covid Commemoration recommended a national Day of Reflection on the Covid-19 pandemic. This Sunday 9 March is therefore a chance to commemorate the thousands of Essex residents who passed away. It is also a chance to pay tribute to the heroic frontline workers who kept people safe, and to appreciate those who kept the country moving.

NHS staff, healthcare professionals and frontline workers went above and beyond when it counted most. We thank our doctors, nurses, social care workers, paramedics, pharmacists, public health officers and many others for putting themselves in harm’s way so countless lives could be saved.

We also must not forget those who worked tirelessly to keep the country moving. From police officers to firefighters, farmers to teachers and delivery drivers to grocery store workers, everyone had a part to play.

We should be particularly proud of the way Essex came together to protect the vulnerable and elderly. One of the first things we did as a council was increase the capacity for residential care through emergency funds. But it was through the selflessness and diligence of care workers that the most vulnerable in society could be kept as safe as possible.

It is true that everyone became a volunteer during the Covid-19 pandemic. Whether it was checking on our neighbours, wearing masks, self-isolating or doing shopping runs for family and friends. Initiatives like the Essex Resilience Forum helped us follow guidance and change our behaviours to protect one another.

This includes people who attended and volunteered at Covid-19 testing centres. Working closely with NHS Trusts and local councils, we were able to help set up testing centres in every district, city and borough across Essex. This provided invaluable information to help contain the spread of the virus.

We saw the best of society in the way Essex came together during the Covid-19 pandemic. I encourage everyone to take this Sunday to reflect on the selfless acts and remember those we lost.

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